As a celebrity, you gain relevance from offline and online activities, even for a bad reason. If you’ve not heard of Dammy Krane before now, you will think he just won a Grammy, because the keyword ‘Dammy Krane’ is popping on social media and making rounds on blogs.
Apparently he didn’t win any Grammy but got nabbed in the US for Auto theft and other related crimes. Imagine what you will say when you see him on TV? Not withstanding lets highlight some reasons on how it affects his music career.
Also Read: Singer Dammy Krane Allegedly Jailed in the US for Car Theft & Identity Fraud [Photos]
The Media: like electricity, it spreads faster around its channels. Just as the news is making rounds, its also affecting his career, it will prompt as a reminder, anytime you try a search about him or read a piece you will definitely read about his ‘Theft’ reference. Dammy Krane has lost it with the media and it will be difficult to rewrite the story.
The Music Industry: He had a reputation in the music industry and also enjoyed the networks among other creative acts like himself and as it stands now, it takes the grace of God to leverage on a Dammy Krane.
Fan base: A celebrity should be a role model not the other way round, its very hard to keep a huge fan base when it has to do with ‘Theft’ scandals.
Endorsements: No progressive brand will associate with a celebrity tagged with crime, ask the agencies.
Personality: The theft situation has caused him and his family embarrassment and that will also affect his self esteem and other relationships.
Music Business: Every right thinking musician should always think about the business side of his music and would avoid any form of crime. lets see what happens with his label or any future management deals.
Blogosphere: Judging from my profession as a social media strategist, and what I understand about ‘search engine optimisation’ every ‘breaking news’ is influenced by a public figure, and always have great impact because of the negativity behind the story, this case isn’t different from Dammy Krane, Apparently the optimised keyword ‘theft’ made Google push all his positive stories downwards and you will only see his scandals on the first page on search engine.
What do you think about Dammy Krane as a Nigerian artist?